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Been looking forward to this day for a while now… Ace tanker in the Bourrasque!

This was a hard fought loss on a team that essentially camped and would not engage the enemy. We were down several tanks but managed to even things out before losing more tanks again.

I managed 5619 damage with 1493 spotting and seven kills to take a Top Gun, High Caliber, Tank Sniper, and the Ace Tanker award.

I wish it could have been a victory; alas, it was not meant to be. At the end, my team simply crumbled and fell apart despite my attempt to rally.

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Unexpected Ace Tanker in tier 7 American heavy the King Tiger

Ace Tanker + First MOE

Of course, this was a battle where the King Tiger was top tier against tier 5 and tier 6 tanks.

I simply drove forward and kept firing.

Pushed the team to victory (or lead them?).

Didn’t fire hardly any ‘gold’ rounds.

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Asshole of the day: 2ACR from clan OSO

Here is a 54% player who sat literally at the back of the map the entire round. Never moved until we were almost assured a loss and then only grudgingly joined the match and helped us cap.

He fired 1 connecting shot towards the very end.

If you see this bozo in battle, do not rely on him for anything.

It’s bad enough when bad players play poorly, but when a good player chooses, for whatever reason, to AFK the round (while still responding to chat messages), it’s almost like an intentional display of poor sportsmanship.

Phooey on you, 2ACR.

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Today’s Asshole: Patator_972

This guy, Patator_972 of the CLAIM clan, is not your typical asshole.
Maybe he’s banned from chat or maybe he just likes to annoy people who have chat turned off? I don’t know, I didn’t ask him. However, in today’s game, he started off almost immediately with ‘drawing’ on the mini-map repeatedly to form words to insult people.

I’m using OBS to capture his graffiti-spam. Unfortunately, I added him to my blacklist almost right away due to the distraction he was causing.

After calling us a shit team, we went on to bring home a victory despite some really bad deployment by my ‘teammates’.

I tried to take a screenshot while watching the replay and this is what it grabbed – which is kind of funny because this essentially illustrates just how annoying this kind of thing can be.

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Asshole of the day: May 16, 2020: KaPowneD369

I know arty is in the game to stay but it’s arguably the most toxic game mechanics in World of Tanks (followed closely by the wheeled vehicles).

It’s especially shitty when you’re playing an awkwardly slow heavy tank or a TD. Some of these heavy tanks don’t have the speed to outmaneuver dedicated arty players, particularly when you are the focus of 2 or 3 arty. Wargaming, in their infinite wisdom, seems to feel that 3 arty in a match is a perfect balance. In my mind, this is lunacy.

Any battle in a slow heavy or a TD is absolutely ruined by three artillery pieces. The endless stunning and crew killing completely saps the fun out of the game.

My last game of the night, I got into a tough position and was being arty focused...

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Asshole of the day: u/Timhornton

I don’t really know this guy. I may or may not be on his blacklist in World of Tanks. But there was a thread on the Wot Subreddit earlier today talking about blacklists.

I have a blacklist in the game. It has 113 people on it. I’ve had more in the past but about once a year I go in and delete everyone on the list.

I can’t remember why someone got added but sometimes it’s just because they click the map a lot or maybe they were a dick in battle.

Mostly, I add people who use racist language or who browbeat me after a game telling me how horrible a player I am… how I should go back to tier 3… etc, etc, etc.

I figure that everyone deserves a second chance, right? So I clear my list.

So this random guy on Reddit was trying to impress everyone with the number of people he h...

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Ace Tanker: King Tiger

Last battle of the night, decided to pull the King Tiger (tier 7 American heavy rental tank from Twitch Prime) and give it a go.

The battle took place on Cliff as a bottom tier heavy in a two-tier (7/8) match against a Lowe and a Tiger II.

I really enjoyed the game although I thought my initial deployment wasn’t great and I gave my side to that damned medium tank, losing my engine in the process. I was able to SLOWLY redeploy to the east flank (without my engine) to confront the enemy Lowe and the Tiger II.

The Lowe made a poor play and got stuck in the rocks trying to outmaneuver me. It didn’t work out too well for him.

In the end, I had to go head-to-head against a UDES 03 but I got the drop on him instead.

Man, I made a lot of mistakes and did just about everything w...

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Ace Tanker: Tier 8 LT-432

I was pretty proud of this game. Almost 4k damage, nearly 1500 spotting, and killed their arty!! It was an amazing game for someone with my mediocre skill level.

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Another Ace Tanker: UDES 03

A straight tier 8 match up with no artillery to ruin it. Did more damage in the tier 8 tank than I did the day before in the tier 10 Jagdpanzer E 100. 5324 damage dealt with 1245 spotting but only 3 kills – this was still an epic-fun battle and I didn’t spam premium rounds like a noob.

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Unexpected Ace Tanker: Jagdpanzer E 100

Played the Jagdpanzer E 100 for no particular reason the other night and had a great game. It was good MM for me (3/5/7) so I was top tier and played against some folks that made mistakes. Only 4,929 damage so I’m not sure why it qualified as an Ace Tanker, but I’ll take it.

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